Ranger MDX/MDX4

Power Wheelchairs, Mid-Wheel/Crossover
Base Price

The Ranger MDX & MDX4 incorporates design features that make the MDX in a league of its own. MDX – Mid Drive X-Over, offers the tightest turning radius of an ultra-compact mid-wheel drive with the drive comfort of a front wheel drive. Dynamic front castors elevate to climb over obstacles making this mid-drive a contender for both paved and all terrain surfaces.

  • Mid wheel drive = excellent performance indoors/outdoors
  • Tight compact base
  • Dynamic Elevating front castors
  • Standard 6mph & 7.5 mph top speed (optional)
  • Ranger quality and durability, Made in B.C.
Product Weight N/A
Weight Capacity 300lbs/400lbs
Grade Angle
Seat Width Adj 15” – 22”
Seat Depth Adj 15”-22”
Base Width 23.5”/24”
Base Length 41” total
Seat to Floor Heights 17.25”
Electronics VR-2 (PG)
Battery Size G34
Drive Motors 600W2Pole/700W 4Pole
Speed TBA - Call
Tilt & Recline Euro or “CG” Tilt option
Suspension Drive wheels
Alternate Drive Controls Yes w/R-Net